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8.   Trade and other receivables (continued)
           The ageing analysis of trade receivables based on shipping terms is as follows:

                                                     30th September    31st March
                                                             2015           2015
                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
           0 – 30 days                                    708,386        143,255
           31 – 60 days                                   137,373        110,115
           61 – 90 days                                   176,317         54,240
           Over 90 days                                   188,444        225,796
                                                         1,210,520       533,406

           As at 30th September 2015, trade receivables of HK$45,237,000 (31st March 2015: nil)
           were considered past due with reference to the credit terms offered. The overdue sum
           is not considered as impaired since all of the overdue sum has been settled in October

       9.   Trade and other payables
                                                     30th September    31st March
                                                             2015           2015
                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000

           Trade payables                                 812,643        460,239
           Other payables and accruals                     63,629         51,833

                                                          876,272        512,072

           The ageing analysis of trade payables based on invoice date is as follows:
                                                     30th September    31st March
                                                             2015           2015
                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000

           0 – 30 days                                    721,722        434,652
           31 – 60 days                                    64,874         16,773
           61 – 90 days                                    22,444          3,247
           Over 90 days                                     3,603          5,567

                                                          812,643        460,239

                                           Interim Report 2015     ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  11
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