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Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management

                Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management

             Executive Directors

             Mr LEUNG Wai Sing, Wilson, aged 58, joined the Group in 1985 and is the Chairman and the Chief Executive
             Officer of the Group and takes full charge of the Group’s overall strategy and operations. He holds a master
             of science degree in electrical engineering from Queen’s University, Canada.

             Mr KUOK Kun Man, aged 64, joined the Group in 1990 and is the Director of the Group. He holds a master’s
             degree in business administration and has more than 41 years of experience in finance and accounting with
             multinational organisations.

             Mr LEUNG, Jimmy, aged 49, is a brother of the Chairman of the Group. He joined the Group in 1993 and
             was appointed as executive director in 2013. He has more than 25 years of experience in the field of audio
             electronic products and oversees the Group’s purchasing function.

             Mr LIU Lup Man, aged 47, joined the Group in 2005 and was appointed as executive director in 2013. He
             was also appointed as the Company Secretary of the Group in 2017. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the
             University of Toronto, Canada, and is a Fellow Member of the HKICPA and the ACCA. He has over 23 years
             of experience in auditing and accounting.

             Independent Non-executive Directors

             Mr LI Wah Ming, S.B.S., J.P., aged 63, joined the Group in 1992 and is the director of a consultancy company.
             He holds a bachelor’s degree in arts from the University of Waterloo, Canada and a master’s degree in social
             work from the University of Toronto, Canada.

             Mr LEE Tak Chi, aged 63, joined the Group in 2011 and was previously Associate Dean and Professor of
             School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also serves as Board of Director of Automotive
             Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre established by the Hong Kong government.

             Mr CHEUNG, Johnson, aged 52, joined the Group in 2016 and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (Hons)
             in Biology and a Master of Arts Degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia. He has more
             than 26 years of experience in the equity market and presently is the Director of Research at China Galaxy
             International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

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