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Chairman’s Statement

               As we seek to expedite development of our        our   production goals. We will therefore
               new businesses, production efficiency and        continue to attract highly skilled individuals to
               manufacturing excellence will take on added      join our workforce in order to maintain that the
               importance. And even though our Houjie           men and women in our manufacturing teams
               Town  production  facility  already  allows  us   can cater to the ever more complex nature of
               to readily adjust capacity and flexibly meet     the Group’s products as well as to the higher
               various production parameters owing to its       levels of production precision and flexibility
               high level of automation, the human factor       that such products require.
               remains integral and indispensable in fulfilling

               The challenging financial year that just         APPRECIATION
               concluded has only made us more determined
               and motivated to realise our long-term strategy   On  behalf of  the Board  of  Directors,  I
               of migrating towards premium segments of         would like to extend my appreciation to the
               the market. Though we will undoubtedly face      management team  for  their dedication  and
               numerous obstacles along this journey, we are    diligence during the challenging past year. I
               unperturbed and remain fully focused on the      wish to also offer my gratitude to the entire
               big picture. We will leverage all of our strengths   Alco workforce for all of their contributions to
               to achieve our goals and to deliver equitable    the  Group.  Certainly worthy of  our  gratitude
               returns to our shareholders.                     are our customers, business partners and
                                                                shareholders for extending their support.

                                                                Wilson Leung
                                                                Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                Hong Kong, 20th June 2018

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